Privacy Policy


Respecting your Privacy  

Zed Consulting is bound by the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) contained by the Privacy Act 1988. We only collect personal information that is necessary to deliver our services, including consulting, or that is required for administration, invoicing and networking.  

Zed Consulting collects personal information about clients when our services are requested, which may include a clients’ first and last name, street address, phone number, email address and other information that could be used to provide consulting services. It also includes personal information provided in requests for work or instructions. Information is also collected from other parties, e.g., when conducting client checks.  


Zed Consulting recognises the trust that individuals place in us when they give us personal information. We will not sell, transfer, assign or rent personal information. In order to deliver a service requested, Zed Consulting may share personal information with potential employers from time to time. Zed Consulting  takes reasonable steps to ensure that terms of service with our service providers recognise that we are bound by obligations under the Privacy Act to protect the privacy of your personal information and that they will not do anything that would cause us to breach those obligations. We will not otherwise disclose your personal information to others without an individuals’ explicit consent, unless it is required by law.  


While keeping in mind why the information is being collected, Zed Consulting takes reasonable steps to make sure that the information is accurate, complete and up-to-date at the time of collection and when used or disclosed.   DATA SECURITY   Zed Consulting will endeavor to take all reasonable steps to keep information which it holds about individuals secure. Electronic information is stored on a secure server that is protected in controlled facilities. Documents and papers are stored and locked under key until they are no longer required. When electronic information is no longer required it is permanently destroyed. When physical information is no longer required it is placed in a locked confidential security bin and destroyed or shredded.  

Procedures are in place such as:  

  • The need to know principle that limits access to information to those people who need the information to carry out their duties.  

  • The secure storage of all files after use to reduce the risk of unauthorised access to personal information.  

However, Zed Consulting will not be held responsible for events arising from unauthorised access to your personal information.  


Personal information that is collected is available for access and correction at any time.   Zed Consulting takes reasonable steps to correct information if an individual shows that it is not accurate, complete or up-to-date.   Zed Consulting may deny access to some information providing access would have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of other individuals. Additionally individuals will not have access to employee records.   Before access to personal information is granted to an individual their identity needs to be established. The individual is required to request the information in person or to provide personal details that can be used to identify them.   ANONYMITY   Wherever it is lawful and practical, individuals will have the option of not identifying themselves when entering into transactions with Zed Consulting.  


Zed Consulting will only transfer personal information outside Australia if Zed Consulting believes that the recipient of the information is subject to a law, binding scheme or contract which effectively upholds principles for fair handling of the information that are substantially similar to the National Privacy Principles.  


Zed Consulting will ensure that your information is kept in secure storage within Zed Consulting offices and only disclosed to those parties agreed to by you. Should you have any questions regarding our privacy policy and treatment of your data, please don’t hesitate to contact us.