
Not your average lawyers.

We’re internationally experienced, top-tier trained and MBA qualified. We understand what pragmatic lawyering means in practice. We understand how to legally protect you and your business. We’re about reducing friction, building business, and getting things right the first time around.

Put us to work, and see how refreshingly different lawyers can be.

Zed Consulting is now a business consultancy and an Incorporated Legal Practice trading as Zed Legal.

As we build our separate webpage, let us build your business.




Raising capital through angel, seed and venture rounds? Zed can partner with you for success and protection of your interests along the way. We can also help with the introductions, pitch-decks and investor proposals to get your startup off the ground.

Dispute resolution

Even though we’re all about cordial business relations, we know that’s not always possible. With experience from top-tier firms and our varied experience, we understand how to resolve disputes better than most. We look for a win-win where possible, and always avoid court if we can. Litigation can sometimes be the only viable way forward, so we’re always prepared. We take pride in clearly explaining and navigating the often foggy landscape of the law and we’ll give you clear and honest advice on success likelihood and outcomes.

Startup, business formation and growth protection

While any commercial firm can set up a business, not many can give you real strategic setup, structuring and growth-strategy advice in the way a consultancy-law firm like Zed can. We will tailor the right risk plan, complete with permit applications, insurance policies, and more, so you can worry less about liabilities and concentrate on growing your business.

Liability & Risk

Whether you run a cafe, recording studio, or an eCommerce website, all businesses need to minimize their legal liability and risk. Privacy concerns? Data-security law? Cyber-risk and responses to allegations of breach? Insurance claims? No problem with Zed Legal on your team.

Intellectual Property

Ideas, tangible or not, are the most important things to protect in today’s competitive creative market. With so many channels and constantly replenishing feeds to watch out for, tracing the ownership and originality of a design, brand name, or invention needs the laser-focused eye of a trained lawyer. We’ll handle the search, application, and filing process of Australian (and where relevant, international) trademarks, copyrights, and patents. And if your idea has been infringed upon, our litigators and litigation firm partners will negotiate the best possible licensing and settlement agreements.

Employment disputes, advice and litigation

Demystifying labour and employment law is in itself a skilful practice. It requires finesse, strategic communication, and, in many ways, empathy. At the end of the day, employment law is about people and their experience as workers, and each case is profoundly personal. In such matters, Fair Work mediation or arbitration almost always yields the most fulfilling results. However, should the occasion arise, our lawyers are more than prepared to move into Federal court litigation. We’ve been successful on every occasion dealing with wronged employees, and our clients couldn’t be happier.

Digital Media & Technology

The internet, software, and technology are so pervasive that we can’t remember having ever lived without them. They make our lives simpler, but behind the curtain are fluctuating challenges in protection and monetisation; challenges that our firm stays two steps ahead of. We’ve helped start-ups and entrepreneurs develop, license, sell, and maintain ownership over their creations.

Estate planning, wills and probate

In a world of alternative facts and fake news, one thing is undeniable: we all kick the can at some stage. We’re still surprised at the number of people who don’t have enforceable Wills. The last thing anyone wants is an estate dispute after death, so Zed Legal offers clear Will drafting to ensure that any chances of your estate being contested to are minimised as much as legally possible.

Corporate, Commercial and Advisory

Zed takes care of aspect of commercial or corporate law from commercial contracts, partnership agreements, joint-ventures, service contracts, employment and other related engagement agreements, shareholder deeds, other transaction documents, company constitutions and merge & acquisition due diligence and deal support. We adopt next-gen project management tools to give you full visibility of the delivery roadmap, and login-credentials to track our progress on a time basis — if that’s what you’re into.


Well rounded, varied in experience and not shy to leverage experience of partner firms, Zed Legal can handle your property sales and purchases, medical negligence or personal injury claims and, we know how to make debtors cough up what they owe. Let us know what you need, and we’ll let you know how to get there.